How are Ship Recycling Companies beneficial to the environment?


Ship recycling is not a term we hear on an everyday basis, however, it is an important concept. Because, we may think a ship lasts forever, sinks, or, in some cases, gets lost in the Bermuda triangle. But on, contrary to popular belief, many ships live their life to the fullest and grow old, and then they no longer tame the sea. And this is where the role of ship recycling companies begins. These companies help in the green ship recycling process. If it weren’t for these companies, the ships would fall prey to beaching. A process where underpaid workers dismantle the vessel without proper training or equipment rather than working in ship scrap yards for safe and green ship recycling.


The practice of beaching can lead to harmful effects on both marine life and the ecosystem. Because the recycling of ships isn’t limited to recycling the steel body but the proper disposal of toxic substances like mercury, oil sludges, lead, etc., one of the most harmful substances is asbestos. Using asbestos on ships has been banned for the last two decades, as prolonged exposure to asbestos is dangerous for marine life and the people on board. But the vessels in condition to be recycled have asbestos, and the safest way to recycle them is in scrap shipyards by ship recycling companies.


To understand the importance of proper recycling, we must examine how ship recycling companies practice green ship recycling. First, ships ready to be recycled are brought to scrap shipyards instead of using mudflats and high tides to break the vessels; under proper safety measures with appropriate equipment and trained workers, these ships are efficiently recycled. The steel recycled from these ships is used for making rods, bars, and other items, and the toxic substances from the vessel are carefully disposed of. These companies do not just benefit the environment but also help in boosting the local economy by creating jobs in scrap shipyards, steel mills, re-rolling mills, refurbishing shops, and second-hand shops.


The benefit of green ship recycling also includes reducing greenhouse gas emission (GHG) emissions by using scrap metal instead of metal ore to create finished products. Emission is reduced by 70% when making steel from scrap metals rather than metal ore. The ship recycling companies also reduce the need for metal ore mining, further contributing to decreasing GHG emissions.


But the impact of ship recycling isn’t limited to this. The recycled ships in scrap shipyards decrease water and air pollution. It is estimated that creating steel from metal scrap results in 86 percent less air pollution, 76 percent less water pollution, and 40 percent reduction in water usage.


All the data points toward the benefits these companies provide to the environment, economy, and people. But the benefits are only possible when the companies practice proper recycling processes in scrap shipyards with appropriate equipment and manpower. The ship recycling companies benefit not only the owner by getting their money’s worth, but the green ship recycling process also gives the environment a better chance at fighting global warming.


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