How is the Recycling of ships done?


In the ship recycling process first, the useful parts of retired vessels are taken out and sent to recycling industries to reuse them for various other purposes. The obsolete vessels are being dismantled cautiously, eliminating the poisonous material by using eco-friendly methods so that it doesn’t pose any risks to the environment.

Whereas, all other parts of the retired ship which doesn’t pose any risk to the environment such as scrapped steel, batteries, decorative pieces, and more are reused for various things. The sustainable process to recycle a ship is started by removing hazardous materials from the vessel first and then scrapping of the vessel is done safely and soundly. Some of the ship scrap yards such as ship breaking yards in India follow the method of recycling the ships responsibly or by following green ship recycling to save the environment.


How does responsible recycling of ship aid in protecting our environment?


The sustainability factors and steps have made the recycling of ships popular in countries like ship-breaking yards in India. This process is saving the planet in several ways which are listed below-


Responsible ship recycling is an interesting business that you have likely not heard of in your daily routine. Therefore, it involves buying retired ships and then recycling them so they don’t pose any threat to the marine ecosystem. So, what happens to the ships that become old? The answer to that question is ship recycling. Ship recycling companies purchase those used shipping vessels and extract all the raw materials that can be reused again so that the need of extracting natural raw material again and again from the environment gets slowed down.


Green ship recycling method helps to dispose of harmful chemicals like asbestos, mercury, lead, etc in the most sound and safe manner. This helps to protect the marine ecosystem and prevents the water from getting polluted.


 • The process of recycling in ship scrap yards reuses valuable parts of the retired vessel which are then sold to the steel and manufacturing industries. Thus, helping in boosting the economy of the below poverty line group of people. Since the entire ship mostly contains steel, therefore, the steel extracted from the vessel is refurbished into bars, poles, and pillars for various other industrial purposes.


Recycling ships is beneficial for the well-being of the environment and the people living in it. This is a crucial step taken by the ship scrap yards towards building a sustainable future. Such ship-breaking yards in India and other countries are a thriving business for every industry.


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